NADIA: Unable to bear the trauma, a Class-IX student committed suicide a day after she was raped by her private tutor at Durgapur Palpara. Before consuming pesticide, the victim had narrated the event to her sister-in-law, who later provided the details to police. The accused was finally nabbed on Friday. He was remanded in 14 days' police custody after being produced before the Tehatta court on Saturday.
The victim used to take private tuition at her classmate's house. On May 31, she went there for a regular class in the evening. "My daughter and her friend took a break from their studies and went to the mango orchard. Her friend returned to her house a little later, but not my daughter. We learnt that her tutor took her deep inside the orchard and raped her," the victim's mother said.
The girl's father, a day labourer, lodged a complaint with Krishnaganj police on June 3, two days after he lost his daughter. Police then started searching for Swarajit Biswas, the victim's private tutor, and arrested him.
The victim used to take private tuition at her classmate's house. On May 31, she went there for a regular class in the evening. "My daughter and her friend took a break from their studies and went to the mango orchard. Her friend returned to her house a little later, but not my daughter. We learnt that her tutor took her deep inside the orchard and raped her," the victim's mother said.
The girl's father, a day labourer, lodged a complaint with Krishnaganj police on June 3, two days after he lost his daughter. Police then started searching for Swarajit Biswas, the victim's private tutor, and arrested him.
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