MUMBAI: The police are yet to trace the third person involved in the rape of a 22-year-old housewife in her Borivli (W) home on Monday. Cops said they had searched for him at various locations in the city. Police sources added that four witnesses have come forward to give their statements in connection with the case. The victim initially screamed for the help but the accused threatened to kill her husband if she protested.
The witnesses told the police that they didn't rescue the victim out of fear. "We recorded the statement of four witnesses in the case" said Suresh Kilje, senior police inspector of MHB Colony police station.
The accused had raped the victim in the presence of her husband after threatening him with a knife at Ganpatpatil Nagar slum on Monday night. The police arrested two accused, Jitu Nagin (25) and Sunny Singh (23), in the case. Nagin had past criminal record said the police.
The victim told the police that on Saturday the accused were peeing in her house and she had an argument with them. The accused used to pass lewd comment on the victim since long but she had never reported it to the police. She had discussed the issue with her husband and the couple had decided to shift to new location. They were searching for new accommodation since last few days.
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