ALLAHABAD: In a shocking incident which took place in village Palai under Nawabgunj a few days back, a minor deaf and dumb girl was reportedly raped by two boys of the same village. The matter came to light only after a few days when some villagers in their bid to cover up the incident convened a panchayat in a hushed manner and tried to persuade the victim's family to accept a monetary compensation from the boys' families.
It was during the course of this whole development that someone informed the police and media after which a case of rape has been lodged against the two boys by Nawabgunj police on Friday night.As per reports, the victim, Kamla (name changed), aged 14 years, was deaf and dumb since birth and used to reside in village Palai unde Nawabgunj police station along with her parents.
On early June 13 she had gone to a nearby field when two boys, Manoj and Puttan, allegedly dragged her to a nearby sugarcane field and raped her. When the girl did not return home after quite sometime her parents went out in search of her. They found her lying in the field with her clothes torn.
They brought her home after where the girl managed to convey the whole incident in the best possible manner. In the meantime, the boys' parents also came to know about the whole incident after which they approached some influential persons of the village for a settlement, said the Station Officer, Nawabgunj police station.
He added that the villagers convened a panchayat in a hushed manner where the victim's parents were persuaded to accept a monetary compensation in return for keeping mum on the issue.The police it rushed to the village on Friday night but the girl's family had left the village and only the girl's uncle and aunt were found present.The police recorded their statements and lodged an FIR against Manoj and Puttan who are absconding.SO said once the girl and her family are traced, they e would send the victim for medical examination.
Blogger's view
Utterly shameful!
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