THRISSUR: The Railway police arrested a 42-year-old Border Security Force jawan for allegedly misbehaving with a woman aboard the Chennai bound Thiruvananthapuram-Chennai Super-Fast Mail Express (train number: 12624) last night.
According to sources from the railway police, the BSF jawan who has been identified as Kareepuzha native KP Sathyan of Alapuzha in Kerala tried to molest the woman hailing from Pathanathitta district in Kerala around 9 pm, when the train was minutes away from the Palakkad Junction.
"Both the accused and the victim were travelling in the third a/c (B1) compartment of the Super-Fast Mail Express. The accused allegedly attempted to molest the woman travelling alone to Chennai. She resisted and immediately complained to the police officials on board who arrested the accused," said the source.
An interrogation into the incident has already started and the jawan would be presented before the court before today noon.
This is the fifth such incident, where woman passenger is attacked aboard in Kerala in a week.
According to sources from the railway police, the BSF jawan who has been identified as Kareepuzha native KP Sathyan of Alapuzha in Kerala tried to molest the woman hailing from Pathanathitta district in Kerala around 9 pm, when the train was minutes away from the Palakkad Junction.
"Both the accused and the victim were travelling in the third a/c (B1) compartment of the Super-Fast Mail Express. The accused allegedly attempted to molest the woman travelling alone to Chennai. She resisted and immediately complained to the police officials on board who arrested the accused," said the source.
An interrogation into the incident has already started and the jawan would be presented before the court before today noon.
This is the fifth such incident, where woman passenger is attacked aboard in Kerala in a week.
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