Of late, I have been witnessing a very disturbing increase in the crime against females, be a girl child, a teenager, or an adult woman. It has almost become the order of the day. Newspapers are replete with such news. No doubt, India has been placed at parity with Afghanistan as the worst countries for a female to born in. Sometimes, I guess, had it been there in the past too but very less reported?.. or the mind set of the Indian male is becoming less human, devoid of any compassion and respect for the other gender, and is also becoming fearless of the Indian Law!
So, I fancied an idea to let the world know the dark side of "Being a Female in India."
Let there be the consciences shaken, people of all walks do some soul searching..take a pause and raise their voice, wherever they are, against the atrocities being meted out to girls and women, with a result that cruelity against the female gender starts receding, and we give to our generations to come a society where a woman is respected in its true essence-as as wife, as a sister, as a mother, as a grand mother et al..is the sole objective of this blog.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Couple beats up deaf girl for plucking mango Pradeep Gupta, TNN | May 29, 2012, 04.52AM IST

THANE: A 14-year-old deaf girl was allegedly assaulted by her neighbours when she tried to pluck a mango from a tree at Aangaon villagein Bhiwandi

However, when the victim's family went to lodge a complaint against the neighbour, the police instead registered a non-cognizable offence against the victim's mother, Prema Shinde, for assaulting the neighbour. 

Shinde said that last week her daughter plucked a mango from a tree in their neighbour's house. "Vanita Kadam and her husband Vishnu Kadam beat her up despite knowing that she was deaf," she said. 

When the victim's family approached the Ganeshpuri police station, they found that the police had lodged a non-congnizable offence against Shinde. She alleged that the police refused to register a complaint against the Kadams. However, when the victim's family protested, the police filed a non-congnizable offence. 

S M Chaudhary, in-charge of Ganeshpuri police station, said, "It is our duty to lodge a complaint. We will question both the parties and take action."


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